tfg Payment Processing with Rewards

tfg Payment Processing with Rewards


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How to Navigate to the “tfg Payment Processing with RewardsPortal

“tfg Payment Processing with Rewards” Page Features 

Payment Options


Companies can choose the Payment Process Type for each Payer and Transaction:

Payment Options for Payer

Payment Options for Transaction

Powerful Tools for Collecting Payments

  1. Request-A-PaymentTM
  2. Inst-A-PaymentTM
    1. Single Charge
    2. Multi Charge – Batch Processing
  3. Schedule-A-PaymentTM
  4. Link-A-PaymentTM



Entering Payments to Payment Portal

How the Payers make payments

Payment Request Email

Payers will Receive “Payment Request” Email and will Proceed as follows:

Payer’s Login Page

By Clicking the “Pay Now” button on the Payment Request Email, Payers will be Redirected to the Login Page and Can Login with Their Existing tfgLoyalty Credentials

Select a Method of Payment

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Credit / Debit Card Payment Page

 Add a New Credit / Debit Card

ACH Payment Page 

Payment Approval Page

Payment Approval Email

Payment Declined Page

Payment Declined Email

Payment Canceled Email

January 8, 2021
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